SER invites you to serve on the SER2025 Program Committee! The primary responsibility of this committee is to review and evaluate proposals (symposia, workshops, and training courses) and abstracts (oral presentations, lightning talks, and posters). The review period for proposals is from 1 October to 15 November 2024, while the review period for abstracts will be from 15 January to 1 March 2025.

Depending on the total number of submissions received, we estimate that Program Committee members will spend 5-10 hours reviewing proposals between October and November and 15-20 hours reviewing abstracts between January and February. By joining this committee, you will help develop a dynamic and engaging program for conference attendees and ultimately enhance the value of the conference as a forum for advancing the science and practice of ecological restoration.

As a thank-you for your time, Program Committee members will be recognized on the website and in the program book. Additionally, for those who need continuing education credits related to professional certifications or academic credentials, all Committee members can receive up to 3 CECs (depending on the number of abstracts reviewed) through the SER Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner program.

To express your interest in serving on the committee, please notify the program committee co-chairs at

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